1. App Name
The name of your app as it will appear on the App Store. Note that this name cannot be longer than 255 character.
2. SKU number
This must be unique among your apps; can include letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
3. Description
A description of the app you are adding, detailing features and functionality. Descriptions cannot be longer than 4000 characters.
4. Keywords
One or more keywords that describe the app you are adding. When users search the App Store, the terms they enter are matched with keywords to return more accurate results. Separate multiple keywords with commas. Keywords cannot be edited once your binary is in review and cannot be longer than 100 characters.
5. Pricing and availability
This is where you set the price and release date for your app. (Click on the pricing matrix link to view the app prices for different tiers.)
• Tier 0 = Free
• Tier 1 = 0.99
• Tier 2 = 1.99
• Tier 3 = 2.99
• Tier 4 = 3.99
• etc.
6. Release date
This defaults to the current date, but you can set it to a date in the future if you like.
If your app is approved before the release date you've set, then it won't be available in the App Store until that date.
7. App Version Number
Probably want 1.0 here for initial submission. This can't be changed once the app is in review.
8. Copyright info
For example, "2012 YourCompanyName"
9. Support URL
A URL that provides support for the app you are adding. This will be visible to customers on the App Store.
10. Marketing URL (Optional)
A URL with information about the app you are adding. If provided, this will be visible to customers on the App Store.
11. Privacy Policy URL (Optional)
A URL that links to your company's privacy policy. Privacy policies are recommended for all apps collecting user or device related data, and required for apps that offer auto-renewable or are designed for kids. or free subscriptions, or as otherwise required by law.
12. Contact Information
App Review Contact Information The person in your organization who should be contacted if the App Review team has any questions or needs additional information.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
13. Review Notes (Optional)
Additional information about your app that can help during the review process. Include information that may be needed to test your app, such as app-specific settings and test registration or account details. The Review Notes field must not exceed 4000 bytes.
14. Demo Account Information (Optional)
The username and password for a full-access account. This account is used during the app review process and must not expire. Details for additional accounts should be included in the Review Notes field.
15. App Store Contact Information
To offer your app on the Korean App Store, you must provide additional information that will be displayed alongside your app. Note that this information will only appear in the Korean App Store.
Trade Name A trade rep is someone within the company who has the authority to represent the company. Examples include the CEO, Representative Director, or other responsible officer within the company.
Trade Rep First Name
Trade Rep Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Phone Number
16. Category
Use the App Store Category Definitions to choose the most appropriate category for your apps.
Primary Category
Secondary Category (Optional)
List of Categories
Food & Drink
Health & Fitness
Photo & Video
Social Networking
17. Images
3.5-Inch Retina Display Screenshots
Screenshots for 3.5-inch iPhone and iPod touch Retina display must be 960x640, 960x600, 640x960 or 640x920 pixels, at least 72 DPI, in the RGB color space, and in the JPG or PNG format.
4-Inch Retina Display Screenshots
Screenshots for 4-inch iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) Retina display must be 1136x640, 1136x600, 640x1136 or 640x1096 pixels, at least 72 DPI, in the RGB color space, and in the JPG or PNG format.
iPad Screenshots iPad Screenshots must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png file that is 1024x768, 1024x748, 768x1024, 768x1004, 2048x1536, 2048x1496, 1536x2048 or 1536x2008 pixels, at least 72 DPI, and in the RGB color space.
Large App Icon (1024 x 1024 JPG, TIFF, or PNG ) - this image is for displaying in iTunes and on the App Store. It should match the icon in your app.
At least one screenshot. You can have up to five screenshots for each device type (iPhone, iPhone 5, and iPad).
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